

Alamo is the industry standard fungicide for the management of oak wilt and laurel wilt disease. No other product has been as extensively researched and field-tested for the control of these diseases.

Alamo SDS | Alamo Label

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Nearly 100 percent success with therapeutic treatments of white oaks with up to 30 percent canopy wilt. Approximately 90 percent success with preventive treatments of symptom-free red oaks within root-graft distance to diseased trees. Preventive treatments perform better than therapeutic treatments in live oaks. Success with therapeutic treatments is better when less infection is present. Preventive applications on live oaks at risk for root graft infection can be as high as 90 percent. Provides 18-24 months of protection against laurel wilt disease.

Tree Injection using Alamo
Active Ingredient:
Propiconazole 14.3%
Signal Word:
Product Application:
Tree Injection
Unit Size:
1 Quart
Unit Makes High:
47 DBH Inches
Unit Makes Low:
96 DBH Inches
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