

BioRush® is a dry, water soluble root growth stimulant with nitrogen fixing, phosphorus solubilizing and growth promoting beneficial bacteria packaged in pre-measured, labeled bags for easy use with tank sprayers. Contains humic acid extracts, Trichoderma pathogen fighting fungi, soluble sea kelp, yucca plant extracts, amino acids and natural sugars to "energize" the microbial activity in the ground. Our unique formulation of ingredients affect the permeability of cell wall membranes in roots, improve plant respiration, photosynthesis, promote cell division and lateral bud development as well as delay the aging process of plant tissue. All these factors are well known to provide major benefit to plants promoting vigorous root growth and the overall general condition of the plant environment.

DieHard BioRush SDS | DieHard BioRush Label
DieHard BioRush Supplement

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Product Application:
Soil Application
Unit Size:
24 x 4 oz