Key Insects Controlled: Spotted Lanternfly, Armored Scales, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Aphids, Flatheaded Borers, Longhorned Borers, Psyllids, Sawfly, Soft Scales, Whiteflies, and More (see label).

Transtect Infusible is a tree injection solution for some of the toughest to control insect issues. It is highly effective on spotted lanternfly, hemlock woolly adelgid, and it is the only effective solution for both soft and hard shell scale. It can be applied in situations when bark sprays and soil applications are not possible. Transtect Infusible works fast and makes an excellent spring and early summer treatments for season-long control.
Transtect Infusible SDS | Transtect Infusible Label
CA Customers: Per state guidelines, you must have a pesticide applicator license to purchase this material.
CT, MA, ME and NY Customers: Per state guidelines, we must have your pesticide applicator's license information on file before shipping.
NJ Customers: Per state law, the purchase and use of this material is prohibited.
VT Customers: Per state law, beginning July 1, 2025, the purchase and use of this material is prohibited.
Please contact the Solution Center with any questions
Key Insects Controlled: Spotted Lanternfly, Armored Scales, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Aphids, Flatheaded Borers, Longhorned Borers, Psyllids, Sawfly, Soft Scales, Whiteflies, and More (see label).