Cardin's whitefly, Metaleurodicus cardini , has been known in Florida since 1917. It was originally described from Cuba and was named for Professor Patricio Cardin. This pest is usually found in low populations causing little harm, but occasionally reach damaging levels. These situations usually occur when something has disrupted the parasite/predator complex.
Treatment Strategy
Bag clippings and remove from premises after pruning. This will help lower local populations. Inspect all nursery stock upon delivery or installation.
Expected Results
Systemic insecticides are very useful for controlling this insect.
Signs of Damage
- The adults are greenish yellow with a fine dusting of white wax
- Their wings are somewhat dusky with a conspicuous dark spot near the center of each wing
- As females deposit eggs, a fine trail of fluffy white wax is rubbed from a tuft of wax on the underside of the abdomen
- The pupal cases are just short of 1 mm long and 0.6 mm wide
- They are elongate-oval in shape and elevated on a vertical marginal waxen fringe
- Pupal cases are yellowish-white in color and are semi-transparent when empty
Photo: Lyle J. Buss, University of Florida
Photo: Lyle J. Buss, University of Florida
Trees At Risk
- Guava
- Duranta
- Dllspice
- Ditrus
- Barbados cherry
- Eugenia
- Fiddlewood
- Malalecua
- Paurotis palm
- Plumeria
- Willow bustic
- Females lay up to 125 eggs partially inserted in the lower leaf surface.
- Eggs hatch in 6-21 days; crawlers emerge and begin to feed.
- After the first molt, legs and antennae are lost.
- After two additional molts pupae form.
- There are 3 broods in AL and FL.
- Adults emerge from T-shaped splits in pupal skins.
- Summer broods take 2 months to develop.
University of Florida
Always refer to product label for rates and approved uses. Some images courtesy of or Wikimedia Commons. Use of the images does not imply endorsement of treatments.