Spotted Lanternfly management approaches vary depending on the time of year. Understanding the life cycle of the insect and the different vegetation that they attack by lifecycle can be crucial for establishing a predictable spotted lanternfly control plan.
Early in the season, spotted lanternfly nymphs are feeding on weeds, shrubs, and understory plants. Look for insects on roses, grapes, sumac, and Tree-of-Heaven and target populations with a contact insecticide such as Bifen XTS to control these first instars and help reduce the number of feeding adults later in the season.
As the insects begin to move to woody plants and trees, the honeydew and swarms of insects on the trees become a significant issue. Treat susceptible trees with a systemic bark spray application of Transtect for rapid and long-lasting control. Use Transtect Infusible for trees requiring an injection application.
Spotted Lanternfly Treatment Plan
Effective management of spotted lanternfly is a multi-pronged approach with physical, environmental, and chemical control measures.
Our downloadable Spotted Lanternfly Management Guide provides additional details on host plants and effective treatment options based on lifecycle.